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By Gerrit Van Wyk. Anything you can do I can do better. In the 1946 Broadway musical Annie Get Your Gun, there is a song going: anything you can do I can do better than you can do. That seems to be the...
By Gerrit Van Wyk. We shall fight on the beaches. The British Medical Journal this week published a series of articles as part of a postmortem on Canada’s response to the covid-19 pandemic, which...
By Gerrit Van Wyk. ” ‘n Boer maak ‘n plan”. For many generations, most of my ancestors were farmers, with many farming in remote areas far from cities and supplies. From this experience, a...
By Gerrit Van Wyk Parachutes are optional for jumping from a plane. A double-blind study was published, in which subjects were randomized to receive a parachute or not and then jump from a plane. The authors...
By Gerrit Van Wyk. Reports, reports, and more reports. Mary Shelley published Frankenstein: or, the modern Prometheus in 1818, which is a horror story about a scientist who created an artificial man by...
By Gerrit Van Wyk. Have you heard? Much ink was spilled on and about conspiracy theories during the COVID pandemic by people who spent little time trying to understand it. As humans, we need stability,...
By Gerrit Van Wyk. Toyota patient care. Quite a few years ago, we had a problem with operating room (OR) time for surgery at the hospital I worked. The hospital, supposedly, was the first of its kind built...
By Gerrit Van Wyk. Technology never makes mistakes. A few years ago, I questioned an ultrasound report during a conversation about a shared case with a specialist colleague, who responded, “an ultrasound...
By Gerrit Van Wyk. A camel is a horse designed by a committee. No industry produces as much data as the health care industry, and no industry converts it as poorly into information and knowledge. One may...
By Gerrit Van Wyk. You cannot Tap Into a Brain. Ralph Stacey argued, in many ways human social behavior is like the complex adaptive systems (CAS) studied with computer simulations. For these simulations,...
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